Minimum and maximum stock: What are they?

Minimum and maximum stock: What are they?

Stock management in a retail business is one of the most important processes to take into account. In this sense, the variables minimum stock and maximum stock play an essential role in the proper flow of buying and selling. Surely you don’t want to leave a customer unsatisfied because you don’t have the product they […]

How to make an inventory report. Learn with an example

How to make an inventory report. Learn with an example

The inventory report or inventory report is a very important element in the management of your business. It allows you to have an exhaustive control of everything you have in stock. In this way, you will check that the inventory coincides with the numbers reflected in the production or sales areas and thanks to this, […]

How to organise a warehouse

How to organise a warehouse

It is normal that companies wonder how to organize a warehouse, and is that in many cases do not have what is necessary to optimize space and, therefore, improve productivity. We must understand that logistics is one of the key points in all businesses no matter what their specialty. Undoubtedly the organization and logistics is […]

Everything you need to know about the equivalence surcharge

Everything you need to know about the equivalence surcharge

If you are self-employed, retail entrepreneur or intermediary, you should know everything about the equivalence surcharge . Truth be told, it greatly simplifies the accounting and tax obligations of traders. Why? We tell you all about it in this post. When is the equivalence surcharge applied? The equivalence surcharge is a type of special VAT […]

What are inventory adjustments?

What are inventory adjustments?

If your business or company offers products to its customers, it is imperative to manage the accounting of the items in the warehouse. With this, you will not only have greater control of your inventory of items, but you can develop a commercial operation optimally. If you are interested in this topic, we encourage you […]

Inventory management

Inventory management

When we own a company we realize that there are some aspects to which we must pay a lot of attention, otherwise the whole set would derail until we find ourselves in a situation of no return. One of these elements is inventory management, with which we look for a coordination of the necessary materials […]

Sales report

Sales report

If you own a company you will always want to have all the accounts clear. This becomes more evident when we talk about sales. For this we have the sales report, a tool that will help you know and measure the sales of the company you manage, separated by product, region, channel, seller, etc. It […]

How to make partial shipments

How to make partial shipments

As an entrepreneur it is important that you always have goods in your warehouse to be able to meet the demand of your customers. For example, at Christmas time it is very normal that you sell more than other months or that suppliers do not bring in the amount of products you have ordered. Although […]

Technical data of a product

Technical data of a product

There are some tools that can be very helpful when making your sales. Usually entrepreneurs do not take them into account, however it is important that they know them and know how to use them for their benefit. Otherwise, you will be leaving the future of your company in the hands of chance. Among this […]

Micrologistics to improve your ecommerce

Micrologistics to improve your ecommerce

When you own a business you must have everything very well organized in order to avoid possible problems that may arise. For this purpose, there is the micro logistics that is in charge of optimizing to the maximum all the logistic processes of the company. To do this, it uses different data that allows you […]

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