Sales report

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If you own a company you will always want to have all the accounts clear. This becomes more evident when we talk about sales. For this we have the sales report, a tool that will help you know and measure the sales of the company you manage, separated by product, region, channel, seller, etc.

It should be noted that this type of document is accompanied by a series of processes so that all the information contained therein is correct and can make sense of everything you need to know.

Table of Contents

What is a sales report

A sales report can be taken as the result of a series of procedures that, once integrated, allow you to know the consistent sales cycle. This will help you to have control and you will be able to follow up much more thoroughly thanks to the information generated.

While having a good sales report will not directly help you increase sales or reduce expenses, it is true that without this element you will have no way to respond to the questions and results of your business. Producing a good report will give you control over your stock, you will know what strengths your strategy has, you will be able to implement ways to control expenses and thus generate good returns.

How to make good sales reports

Many companies do not pay much attention to sales reports or, and this is often the case, do not use them as they should. Moreover, there are cases of companies that do not even produce them, on the grounds that sales are regulated by themselves. Essentially this document reflects the commercial movements of your company in a specific period.

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That is why it is very important to know what components are expected for a good sales report. Here are some features to help you get the most out of this tool.

Accurate information

Every good sales report needs to have quality information, which provides all the data of the commercial movements, without having to resort to external documents. Clear and well-structured information will allow you to communicate clearly and efficiently, and you will be able to make the changes that you think are best.

Dynamic and modifiable

One of the great sins of a sales report will be its rigidity. The person who prepares it must take into account the recipient of the report and, above all, the fact that changes can occur at any time. It all depends on the person who is going to receive it, for example if it is addressed to the media levels of the company, the details and the history of the customers will be chosen.

On the other hand, if you address the directives, it is best to provide data on the general strategy of the business. This will be done so that each component of the company knows where it must improve or where good work is being done.


It may be that the purpose of the sales report is to position some product or service we provide. If this is the case, the information you must have will be focused on analyzing the market situation where we move. Looking beyond today, having everything ready for the challenges of the future, will be one of the most important strategies to follow.

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As you can see, it is very important to know your sales cycle and document it correctly in a good sales report. In this way, you will be able to draw better conclusions from your business and make it improve and grow. That is why our ERP software has a functionality that will make your life much easier to prepare this kind of reports. Any questions?

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