Many entrepreneurs focus on getting more and more customers for their businesses no matter what. For them, finding customers at all costs, even if they are disruptive or invasive strategies, will mean more money and greater visualization. However, a good strategist must keep other issues in mind.
For example, it is important not only the number of customers but the quality of these and the type of them. Something that will help us a lot will be to understand that there are several different kinds. Whether it is the product they are looking for or the way they behave, there is not only one way to be a customer. In the following text we will show you some kinds of them.
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Type of customers and how to deal with them
Among entrepreneurs it is a common mistake to put in the same bag all the people who want to buy your products or services. You must keep in mind that personality is a very important factor when it comes to buying. Day by day, companies are preparing their products to reach as many people as possible and to penetrate their personalities.
To do this, strategies such as the customer service office or the various communication channels on social networks are implemented. All we are looking for is to know our client in depth. This becomes important especially in our times where there is an overload of information and advertising. Clients, in this context, look for companies that satisfy their needs in a closer way.
Customers are often qualified by factors such as their personality, character, product expectations, or decision making. Here we will give you a list of the most common ones you can find.
They are known that way because their commitment to the brand is so high. These people are deeply committed to spreading our company’s message.
Although it could be confused with the first category, the truth is that they are not the same. This type of customer shows great commitment to the company, it is true, but in less effervescent than the apostle customers. A good way to create this type of customer is by giving added value to your products, such a strategy will make you rise above your competitors.
This category is one of the most difficult to capture, both in online and physical stores. They are the type of people who are neutral towards a product or service. Getting them interested is a doubly difficult task, especially if we understand that it involves taking them out of their schemes and, moreover, seducing them with our proposal.
The case of these customers is very particular. They are not loyal to the brand but neither are they indifferent to it. Their situation is more like that of a person who has no choice but to stay with us. This can be due to the fact that there is no other brand that satisfies them or even that our company monopolizes the entire market.
Having this type of client is a double-edged sword, especially if we understand that at any moment they can disappear seduced by another brand.
Did you know that there were so many types of customers? And each one has to be treated in a different way. Therefore, remember that it is important that you can associate profiles from our POS, for a more comfortable management. And to each type of customer, offer a certain service: discounts, gifts, promotions … What do you think?
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